
Five members of Olympian completed their first team training ride in preparation for the RideLondon 100 challenge.

James Lindridge, Richard Goodwin, Will Sharpey, Sarah Gulliford & Harry Treanor embarked on a 110km tour of Yorkshire, taking brief pit stops at 2 of Olympians 5 live construction sites along the way. Rialto House, York consisting of 275 student beds over 80,000 sq ft being delivered with Cain International and GMI Construction and Cirrus […]


Olympian Homes Raises £6,400 through completion of the Mallorca 312

Three members of Olympian Homes, James Lindridge, Richard Goodwin and Will Sharpey have completed the Mallorca 312 bike challenge. The challenge is a 312km (194-mile) cycling event that takes place on the island of Mallorca in Spain. It is one of the most popular long-distance cycling events in the world, attracting over 8,000 participants each […]